Russiya Logistik world wide
International Network of Partners
International Network
Russiya Logistik moves forward own network of partners in Russia and The Customs Union, in CIS, other countries of the ex-Soviet Central Asia and South Caucasus, in South-East Asia and Middle East, in Eurasian, Asian and European regions and on other continents.
We provide our clients from different industries with a full range of tailor-made freight forwarding and logistics services by support of our foreign partners, selected in long-term experience and cooperation.
Areas of activities

CIS, South Caucasus, ex Sowjet Central Asia
Aserbaidzhan Baku
Armenia Yerevan
Abkhazia Sokhum
Belorussia Minsk, Brest
Georgia Tbilisi, Poti
Kazakhstan Astana, Almaty, Akhtubinsk
Uzbekistan Tashkent
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek

Euroasian and other regions
Turkey Istambul, Samsun, Karasu, Ambarli, Izmir, Mersin
Iran Teheran, Bandar Abbas, Astara
European region
Central, South, West and East Europa
Americas Latina and North Mexico, Brasilia, Argentina, USA, Canada
African countries Benin, Togo, Nigeria

Oriental countries and Middle East
Asia and South East Asia
India, China, Malaysia
East Asia
Korea, Japan, Mongolia
Middle East
UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar
Russiya Logistik through own network of partners and membership in international professional alliances are ready for rendering of forwarding services in more as 100 countries world wide. We do customs clearance, pick up and on-carriage, international and domestic moving freight from your point of departure to the required point of arrival by air, sea, road and rail.
To find out how we can help you in the country you are intrested in, contact us today